Our Mission
A Journey from Concern to Creation: The Birth of Shakespeare Candle Company
As lifelong candle enthusiasts, our love for their warmth and fragrance was undeniable. However, after our daughter was diagnosed with life-threatening allergies & asthma, this brought concerns about chemical emissions, soot, and indoor air quality. We couldn't reconcile using traditional candles with her well-being and that of our pets.
Amidst this realisation, a yearning arose. We missed the ambiance and memories candles had woven into our lives. Determined to find a safer alternative, we embarked on a years-long research journey. We delved into the world of candle making, meticulously seeking natural, eco-friendly materials and carcinogen- and mutagen-free oils.
This quest for safe, high-quality candles, coupled with the limited transparency in the existing market, fuelled our passion. We knew we had to create a solution, not just for us, but for families like ours who craved beautiful fragrances without compromising health.
Alongside this, our son was studying Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. We started experimenting with scents inspired by this works. Such as the Love Potion, The Tempest, his places such as The Globe & gardens.
And so Shakespeare Candle Company was born. We are proud to offer candles crafted with meticulous care, using ingredients that are gentle on you and the environment. Each Shakespeare Candle Company product embodies the essence of our journey: a love for fragrance, a commitment to safety, and a desire to share the joy of light into homes everywhere.